Thursday, May 3, 2012

March 31

Jari takes the corners for his team.  He usually makes a perfect curve for a chance to score.

March 30

The boys enjoy a warm, sunny afternoon at kermis in Helmond on March 25th.  Oma and Opa surprised us by showing up to join us in the fun.

March 29

Eralier this month (March 25th) we held our first BBQ of the season.  Everybody enjoys this time of year.

March 28

A different view from the soccer fields...village life in Belgium.

March 27

Another aspect of homeownership...emptying the sewer.  YUCK!  Unfortunately it didn't take care of the problems with the pipes we had hoped it would...onto round 2.

March 26

Here's Kaeden playing with his Wijchmaal soccer team.  They need just one more win to become champions!  This game didn't bring them any closer as they lost, but it was fun to see him play after making a fast and long trip south of Hasselt.

March 25

An afternoon celebrating Michel's birthday.  What beautiful weather we've been able to enjoy!